Essay On Greek Culture

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Before traveling to Greece, one must familiarize themselves with the culture, history, and food in order to navigate the culture efficiently. As I packed for my trip to Greece last week, I realized that I knew nothing about these three key things. I tried to search on Google, but did not get anywhere with that. The culture, history, and food have continued to change and thrive in Greece. [Add more] The culture of Greece includes the foundation of the language, gender-roles, and religious practices. Greek culture has developed over centuries and consists of a combination of different cultures such as Mycenaean, Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Frankish, Ottoman, Venetian, Genoese, and British. Greece also claims the title of the “cradle of Western…show more content…
Several widely recognized images and celebrations invoke the identity of the republic. The country sees itself as the restoration of an independent Greek civilization, and many symbols establish a strong link between past and present, between larger Greek history and modern nation-state. The gender-roles in Greece have significantly impacted the culture as well. Rural men and women traditionally shared agricultural tasks, doing some jointly and dividing others by gender. Both men and women have owned land and property, with husbands and wives contributing to the family. As the population became urbanized, this pattern shifted. Among families that operated small shops and workshops, both men and women remained economically active. Recently, gender roles have changed from differentiated and male dominant. Traditionally, men commonly got associated with public spaces and women with private, with the major exception of the role-playing by women in attending, cleaning, and maintaining churches. Women received full voting rights in 1956, and the Family Law of 1983 established legal gender equality in family relationships and decision making. In Greece religion has remained a strong link to the culture. Close to ninety-eight of the people follow Orthodox
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