Tale Of Sinuhe Analysis

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Essay Title History has revealed to us that throughout time people have valued their cultural identities. While people do venture out into the world to discover new lands, new people, and new ways of life, they do so with an already defined background and personality. Hence, every person fits within a demographic, and even if they adopt new and foreign beliefs, practices, and or behaviors, they are merely wearing new cultures like they are new clothes, because each body, mind and soul is grounded in the land, people, and culture that birthed and shaped them. In The Tale of Sinuhe and Histories I.130-140 by Herodotus, cultural distinctions of the ancient near east are a clear theme. Sinuhe’s story of his journey through life reveals his discovery…show more content…
Histories, regards the religious practices of the Persians to be inferior to that of the Hellenes. Herodotus speaks on behalf of the Greek attitude towards Persian religious differences when he says, “they do not erect statues, temples, and altars; they deem anyone who does these things a fool…” and “unlike the Hellenes, they do not believe that the gods have human qualities” (Herodotus, 71) the message extrapolated from Herodotus is that the Greeks are superior. This is supported by the portrayal of the argument that while both peoples seem to worship the same Gods (Zeus, Aphrodite, etc.), somehow the Greeks happen to know what their gods look like, unlike the Persians. Meaning that the Greeks must know their Gods better, and must be closer to their Gods than the Persians, subsequently given them religious superiority. In Sinuhe, religion is the focal point of the tale. Sinuhe’s journey leads him through a life of seeming instability, and Sinuhe feels that divine support is the key to stability in life. “God give me grace!” (Sinuhe, 34, 162) While there is no specific reference to the conduction of religion in Egypt in the Tale of Sinuhe, Sinuhe’s attitude of admiration for the homeland against all other lands is rooted in his desire to restore the support of the Egyptian gods, and secure his eternal place in the

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