LSD In Everyday Life

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Everyday life is stressful. There are always obstacles to overcome, issues to face, problems to fix, expectations to exceed, and when everything and everyone seems so hostile, many people around the world just want to lay down, relax, and smoke a joint. Indeed, drugs had been a huge part of human society, and history. These substances are found everywhere, from a beer sold at the local store, to some harsh, and incredibly dangerous drug traded in a cliché alleyway somewhere in the underground areas of the city. The varieties of drugs are also as diverse as the locations they are sold, like the incredibly popular and infamous cannabis, methamphetamine, cocaine, MDMA, lysergic acid diethylamide, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, along with many…show more content…
Steven Paul Jobs took LSD for the first time, calling it as one of his most “profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things” (Jobs) This gives a new perspective on things. The Apple company, arguably one of the most influential symbols in the world, was created, or at least thought of, when its main founder was tripping on acid. Many believe Apple’s slogan, “Think different.” was a response to another influential company, IBM’s own, “Think.” but with the thought of Steve Jobs and his statement regarding the other side of the proverbial coin, one would might, unsurprisingly, connect that Steve came up with the slogan as a tribute to LSD giving him the mental creativity, motivation, and clarity to focus on what he needed to succeed. Now, how might all this benefit society? Not only is LSD a very well-known drug, meaning it can generate significant wealth and jobs like cannabis provided it was legalized and fully introduced to capitalism, it could also benefit mental health. In fact LSD was first made as a drug to help prevent mental distress and even prevent misuse of alcohol. Also the fact that psychedelics, in general, does not harm the brain and are non-addictive gives more reason to legalize LSD, but not just. Psilocybin mushroom, or magic mushrooms are also psychedelic, meaning non-addictive. Shrooms contain the chemical psilocybin, which rearranges neurons in the brain so that old and new thoughts are easily accessible. This chemical has been used with people suffering PTSD, depression, and such. Results showed that those treated with psilocybin were alleviated from their mental illness. This means that producing and embedding this enlightening substance into the market means people can have a very

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