Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Adoption has been around for many years, but only recently has the question of gay adoption risen. There are many orphans in the world, but not enough families or parents to take them in. There aren’t that many families who can and will adopt children, whether it’s because they can’t support them, they have children of their own, or they just don’t want children. The end result is still an overabundance of orphaned children in need of a loving family. There is a solution to this problem. Gay adoption. There is a rising amount of open homosexual couples everywhere and most of them would love to have kids, but it’s still illegal for homosexual couples to adopt children in some areas of the U.S., let alone the world. All across our country, and…show more content…
According to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System Report there were about 423,773 children in foster care in the United States only a couple of years ago. ( afcars report). Each foster child in the system should have a chance at adoption so to deny gay couples the right to adopt is not only heartbreaking for both the child and the potential gay couple but also unconstitutional. In some areas, gay parents are already serving as foster parents towards children so gay adoption is just a step away. One religion against gay adoption is the Catholic religion; it opposes gay adoption because its belief is that it’s not healthy for a child to grow up with gay parents. They argue that because gays or lesbian couples consist of only one sex, the child is denied either a father or a mother. However, they are forgetting that gays are normal people who have families which can include parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends and many others that the children can be influenced by, and while the parents will be the child's main influence, they will have other people in their lives

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