Essay On Caste Discrimination

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Human Rights and Caste Discrimination “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” - Article 1 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights We have a multilingual and multicultural society. The idea of unity in diversity prevails in India but with this diversity arise many issues. Casteism is one of the problems that India has been facing for centuries now. Millions of Indians are still denied a life with dignity and equality just because of their caste. An individual’s caste with respect to his society is like the umbilical cord. This system of inherited occupation has sealed the fate of millions. Its origin is believed to be divine and is sanctioned by the sacred books of Hindus. The term paper throws light on the origin of caste in India. It tries to highlight when…show more content…
Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the founder of Brahmo Samaj movement, advocated equality for all regardless of their caste and descent. Vivekananda, leader of the Rama Krishna movement, advocated Vedanta principles. They both rejected Manu Smriti. Premchand in his writings have also raised voice against caste bias. In his short story “Deliverance”, Premchand talks about the caste system and how it works in an agrarian community. The sufferings and humiliation of lowest strata of the society is presented. The caste bias is such that the untouchables are not given even a pot of water if they ask for it. The hypocrisy of the priestly class is that Brahmins consider Dukhi, the tanner as “untouchable” but his offerings and gifts are accepted by the Brahmins. The centuries of mistreatment have shaped the minds of lower classes in such a manner that they think of themselves as unfit to live in a society of Brahmins and think of Brahmins as godly figure. The Pandit couple let Dukhi die, just because he was an untouchable. They were blinded by their prejudice and did not show any mercy towards the dying

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