Essay About Filipino Culture

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Lian Ross Gallardo MEB31 Logic of 5 – to – 7 Going by the history of the French, their culture has been accounted by several factors. One would have to be the fact that marriages didn’t always form for love and so fidelity was a choice. Men practice this more often than women do due to the French kings that showed their power by claiming mistresses openly. There is also the tradition of "boulevard theaters" which was a popular comedy that has plucked out the tension of being discovered with a lover; it became less tragic as time went by enough to even be considered laughable. Filipino culture unlike the French, was not always so strict until Christianity took over. The morality of the action weighs more than the pre-Hispanic culture we used to hold. We don't automatically comprehend the nature of lust, forgive it, and create a separate…show more content…
It is the way we live, think and represent ourselves. It has also been the base of our evolution into civilization. It is functionally convenient to have the women take care of the children while the men go out to hunt and forage for food. It is also convenient to build one fire to cook over as we eat together as a unit—a family. For generations, we eventually derive into several forms of these conveniences as we invent and innovate, and migrate and multiply. These things accumulate over the generations and this line in our evolution began the cultural brain hypothesis wherein understanding and brain development came from the build up of complexity in our culture. The cultures were tested and pressured into building optimal systems of living. We begin to create tools and develop keen skills using these tools. We start drawing innate abilities to greatness. We don’t innately know how to build a fire, but we got better and figured better ways on how to start them. We start evolving with larger craniums and smaller jaws that don’t need as much crushing power as an uncivilized mammal would

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