Epic Hero

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Throughout old literature and modern television shows, epic heroes are born to face dangerous obstacles and save lives. Whether the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even millions are saved, the hero must have necessary characteristics to be considered epic. The Doctor from the british television series, “Doctor Who”, exhibits the qualities of an epic hero. He has more characteristics beyond just determining the fate of the entire human population and various other nations. The Doctor is an epic hero by reflecting ideals of his society, performing superhuman deeds, and fighting good against evil. The Doctor has multiple traits that reflect important ideals of the Time Lords. He demonstrates wisdom, unpredictability, and even darkness. Time…show more content…
The Doctor never dies within the show instead he regenerates. His ability to regenerate is a power that is beyond human abilities. When the doctor grows old or becomes mortally wounded he is able to undergo a transformation that will give him a new physical body. The reincarnation of The Doctor gives him the opportunity to always help nations fight alien evils. Currently, The Doctor has gone through twelve regenerations. Another of The Doctor’s superhuman talents is his invention of the sonic screwdriver and use of the psychic paper. With the sonic screwdriver, The Doctor can open just about any lock, disarm weapons, track alien life, etc. The psychic paper manipulates itself, allowing The Doctor enter places undercover with false identities. The Doctor escapes death in most of the episodes, even when it appears that his death is inevitable. For instance, The Doctor is shot by an astronaut and then shot again which would prevent him from regenerating, therefore killing him, but instead The Doctor and his companions go back in time before the event and replace his death with that of the Teselecta. The Doctor executes superhuman deeds to save himself and others, alike an epic

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