Odysseus: An Epic Hero

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To be considered a superhero like in the action movies today, you need to be able to demonstrate all heroic characteristics. Some of those characteristics are bravery, courage, strength, and leadership skills. Heros are often recognized for their positive impacts on society. Today, a superhero needs to possess all those qualities, while a hero from ancient greece was considered to be born from divine ancestry, talented and has great strength. Batman, a masked superhero with a secret identity, portrays all these qualities while he fights crime to protect citizens of his city. Odysseus, an epic hero from ancient Greece, like batman, displays all of heroic qualities throughout his travels to return back home. Batman shows his ability to take…show more content…
Batman shows his leadership skills throughout the movie and is then later known as the protector of the city. “Because he is the leader...So we’ll hunt him, because he can take it...He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. The dark knight” (The Dark Knight). Odysseus shows his leadership skills as he takes matters into his own hands and tries to cheer his crew by reminding them that they've made it through worse. '"Dear friends, surely we are not unlearned in evils. This is no greater evil now than it was when the Cyclops had us cooped in his hollow cave by force and violence, but even there, by my courage and counsel and my intelligence, we escaped away. I think that all this will be remembered some day too. Then do as I say, let us all be won over"' (Book 12). By giving them the pep talk, the crew continues to fight in order to get back home. This proves that both Odysseus and Batman had the skills to take lead them through tough times like a good leader…show more content…
But Batman also shows his mental strength as he uses his knowledge to understand the criminal mind. This way he knows what the criminals are up to next. Batman tells Alfred “Criminals aren't complicated, Alfred. Just have to figure out what he's after.” (The Dark Knight). He uses this knowledge as a way to plan ahead and defeat his enemy much like Odysseus. Odysseus is recognized for his physical strength like a superhero usually is, as he fights ghosts and cyclops. Eurylochus reminds him of the strength he is known for, '"You are a hard man, Odysseus. Your force is greater, your limbs never wear out. You must be made all of iron, when you will not let your companions, worn with hard work and wanting sleep, set foot on this land, where if we did, on the seagirt island we could once more make ready a greedy dinner; but you force us to blunder along just as we are through the running night, driven from the island over the misty face of the water"' (Book 12). But while Odysseus displays physical strength, he is portrayed as an intelligent hero with his mental strength taking a big role in his encounters with many obstacles. He is able to make up plans on the spot and this is shown when he tries to trick the cyclops so he can escape and free his men. “‘Nobody is my name. My father and mother call me Nobody, as do all the others who are
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