English Language Case Study

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Results 1. Which language do you prefer to use? 80% of the interviewees are more comfortable in using Filipino mixed with English in conversation. The students under the 80% of the survey said that they use Filipino in daily life conversation at home, school, mall and in their own transactions with different offices. They said they can still speak in English fluently during class dicussions since they have already mastered the language. 20% say that they prefer English in conversation because it makes them sound professional. Just like the theory of Hymes, the knowledge of the language affects the performance of an individual in delivering what he wants to express. If a student lacks the knowledge of the language, his communicative competence…show more content…
In a common community, the child learners are the most willing to learn and the ones who find ease in learning the language even if their proficiency is very limited. On the other hand, many adults and adolescents feels stressful when they could not express themselves using English Language clearly and correctly. (Lightbrown, 2006) This, then, affects their language preference. If they prefer to use their L1 or the first language, they will not be trained to improve their L2 or the second language which is English and so the communicative competence tends to…show more content…
According to them, they feel confident because they are comfortable with the language. They do not care if they will not be able to give the correct answers because they know that the teacher will lead them to the correct answers. 35% says they are afraid of the reaction of the students. They are afraid of hearing their reactions especially if these are negative. They are afraid of being laughed at when they commit errors in grammar or if there is something wrong with their ideas. 45% says that they are afraid of what the teacher will say. They said that once you raise your hand and try to recite, you are actually yearning for an affirmation from the teacher and if you fail to get it, your self-esteem will be lessen. According to them, there are teachers who do not directly say that the answer is wrong but there are times that they feel embarrassed when the teacher reacts in an unexplainable way using their facial expressions. Finally, 5% say that they always feel clueless about the topic. They said that there are really times that they come to school unprepared. There is what we call climate of trust according to Savignon, 1983. This climate of trust should be built between the teachers and the students to promote successful communicative language teaching and at the same time improve their communicative competence. Most of the respondents

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