Bilingual Aphasia Literature Review

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BILINGUAL APHASIA 1) Fabbro, F. (2001) "The bilingual brain: Bilingual aphasia", BRAIN LANG, 79(2), pp. 201-210 Summary: This article discusses the cases of Bilingual aphasia and language recovery of those cases. In this study, language recovery of 20 bilingual Friulian–Italian aphasics’ language recovery was explored. Thirteen patients (65%) showed a similar impairment in both languages (parallel recovery), four patients (20%) showed a greater impairment of L2, while three patients (15%) showed a greater impairment of L1. The Assessment of Bilingual Aphasia, Clinical Aspects of Bilingual Aphasia, Language Recovery in Polyglot Aphasics, Language Recovery in 20 Friulian–Italian Bilingual Aphasics, Grammatical Errors in Bilingual Aphasic Patients,…show more content…
Levy, Loraine K. Obler, Eyal Cohen (2006) Cross-language lexical connections in the mental lexicon: Evidence from a case of trilingual aphasia Summary: The article illustrates the view that has rarely been discussed in the literature that is related to trilingual aphasia on the basis of lexical connections in the mental lexicon. Two experiments with a multilingual speaker of aphasia are addressed. Inter Language activation during natural conversations are included in the first experiment; the second experiment analysed performance on a word-translation task. Translation and asymmetric patterns of inter-language interference are considered as proof. These two markings are affected by age of language learning, degree of language recovery and use, and prevalence of common lexical representations. This study revealed that age of language learning is highly fundamental criteria in terms of language recovery following aphasia. The findings illustrates the significance of examples of dialect utilize and the relations between the dialect match under scrutiny in percepting lexical associations among dialects in bilinguals and…show more content…
Slower reaction times and increased activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the mixed language condition relative to single language condition was observed. There has been no critical proof that every dialect was spoken to in various zones of the mind. Results are reliable with the view that dialect exchanging is a part of a general official attentional framework and that dialects are represented in covering zones of the cerebrum in early bilinguals. Discussion: 8) J.M.S. Pearce (2005) A Note on Aphasia in Bilingual Patients: Pitres’ and Ribot’s Laws, Eur Neurol 2005;54:127–131 DOI: 10.1159/000089083

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