English And The English Language: The Spread Of English

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The Spread of English Globalization made the world as a small village which needed a global language to enable people, from different places and cultures around the world, to communicate with each other. Nevertheless, one most important outcome of globalization is the increased spread of languages, particularly the English language. language Globalization can be defined as the correlations of global political, economic, cultural and environmental processes that modify present positions. however, it has been estimated that “only one-fourth of all English users worldwide are native speakers, and most non-native speakers using English do so in the absence of native speakers” (Seidlhofer, 2011, p. 1). Additionally, colonization…show more content…
Furthermore, the post-colonial power of Britain along with the economic dominance of America is making English a global language with its imperialist dominance in technology, science, trade and business. Indeed, language has a great influence due to power relations in communities around the world. Furthermore, Robert Philipson suggested a linguistic imperialism theory, to discuss the relevance between the spread of English and power relations. As well as, Imperialism refers to a system that a dominant country controls other poorer developing countries politically and economically in the same time linguistic imperialism indicates the transfer of a dominant language and culture to other countries this transfer implicates a manifestation of power. In this sense, it leads to different sorts of inequality among English and other languages, which contributes to political inequalities between countries and different communities. According to Robert Philipson, the linguistic imperialism was a part of the imperialist project as English was introduced in colonized countries (such as India) in administration, trade, business and education as the main aim of the spread of English was a political domination, which is still the same aim nowadays through organizations…show more content…
Finally, the idea of linguistic diversity leads to the notion of ownership of the English. The fact that English is a global language means that no country has custody over it, to have custody of the language means to own its development and thus undermine its international status. Although native speakers of English might be pride that their language is an international device of communication. But today the number of the non-native speakers of English is much more than natives. the fact is that it is international to the extent that it is not their language alone, other people own it. the Acceptance of that English assists the communicative and public needs of various communities, logically it must be diverse. (Widdowson 1994, p385). in fact, the association between English and the country of its historical origin (England) is irrelevant in the time of global English. Consequently, standard English is no longer considered as the only authoritative or correct variety. However, various communities around the world now consider English language as their own, they legitimate the variety they speak, and that it must not be compared with standard varieties in UK and USA. English becomes a local language for many societies as they embrace its forms, purposes and identity to fit in with their culture (Sergeant,

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