Prospero's Relationship Analysis

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Throughout the play the reader gets to see the father-daughter relationship between Prospero and Miranda. In his speeches, prospero describes himself as a caring father who does everything necessary to ensure that his daughter lives a good life. A life that had been taken away from her when she was only three years old. However, some of his actions show that Prospero focuses more on his own plans and often neglects Miranda emotionally. Based in such actions I believe that Prospero’s selfishness is greater than his love for his daughter. Loving somebody does not always mean that you put the other’s needs before yours. Therefore you could love a person wholeheartedly but still do things that would be hurtful to them. A perfect example would be…show more content…
Both are welcomed by the characters into their society, but Miranda is at a disadvantage: she spent the majority of her life on an island far away from European society while to Prospero those twelve years are but a mere fraction of the time he has spent alive. Miranda possesses a set of beliefs and customs that would be seen in Europe as foolish and far-fetched, much like society during Shakespeare’s time treated the opinions of those who had a more optimistic view on the relations with the inhabitants of America. In Europe, Miranda would be treated as an outsider, ostracised by those around her. And such treatment would only increase due to her new status as Queen of Naples. Such cruel treatment , to a person with a personality like Miranda’s would greatly demoralise and depress them. This clearly shows, that in arranging the marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda, Prospero has unknowingly destined her to an unhappy social life. Were Prospero a good father, he would have pondered how such change would affect Miranda and how he could best help her comprehend and live in European

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