Emotional Intelligence Definition

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Conceptual Definition: Emotional Intelligence is known as one's ability to manage and recognize one's emotion as well as others around them (Stephen, 2010). The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) derives partly from earlier ideas about social intelligence (Mayer et al., 1999; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). For this study, Schutte’s Emotional Intelligence model was used and it has four dimensions which are emotions perception, managing self-relevant emotions, managing others' emotions and utilizing emotions. Operational Definition: The young adult’s emotional Intelligence in this study were measured based on Schutte's Self-Reported Inventory (SSRI) (Schutte et.al, 1998), where emotional intelligence measure the emotions perception, managing self-relevant…show more content…
He or she must acknowledge their emotions, have positive thinking about things around them, expecting good things to happen, ensuring that one’s own emotion last longer, aware of mood changes and motivating oneself to have positive thinking that will lead to positive outcomes (Stephen, 2010). Conceptual Definition: Coping strategies refer to the ways in which people manage demands that appraised as taxing one's resources (Folkman & Lazarus, 1980). Thus, stress coping strategies are methods that are used to overcome stress in our life. Young adults that encountered stress in life tend to deal it with a variety of coping strategies. Folkman and Lazarus (1980) explained that young adults may have the ability to cope with a stressor which is thought to determine the extent to which functioning is compromised. Operational Definition: Coping strategies will be assessed using the state version of the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993), that consist 3 dimensions which are productive coping, non productive coping and reference to others…show more content…
Age is range from young to adult and lastly old age. Operational Definition: The ages used in this study for undergraduates are measured by four ranges, which are below 20, 21-22, and above 23 years old. Conceptual Definition: Gender is defined as the characteristic of a person who have traits that differentiate men and women in both behavioral and aesthetic, which related to man’s masculinity and woman’s feminism (Stephen, 2010). This is because men have different ways of coping with stress compared to women who are very sensitive. Operational Definition: The sample in this study are the undergraduates' gender. Conceptual Definition: Ethnics are defined as a large group of members of people who share common beliefs and heritage (Stephen, 2010), such as Malay, Chinese, India, Iban, Bidayuh and other ethnic group. Operational Definition: Ethnics are measured by what types of ethnics the undergraduates belong to, either they are Bumiputera or Non Bumiputera young adults. There are many ethnics in Bumiputera group, such as Malay, Iban, Bidayuh, Melanau and so forth. Meanwhile, Chinese and others foreign ethnic are classified as Non

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