Elder Abuse: A Case Study

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The Ontario Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA) is a provincial, charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse and neglect of older adults and supporting the implementation of the Ontario Strategy to combat Elder abuse (ONPEA, 2015). Before we understand what physical abuse is, it is crucial to understand the definition of elder abuse. The World Health Organization (2002) defines abuse of older adults as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring in any relationship where there is an expectation of trust that causes harm or distress to an older person” (p. 126). Physical abuse is “any act of violence or rough handling that may or may not result in physical injury but causes physical discomfort or pain” (OPNEA, 2008). Physical abuse can be “pushing, shoving, hitting, slapping, poking, spitting at someone, inappropriate physical and chemical restraints, unusual pattern of injuries, harm created by over and under medicating, and unexplained injuries such as broken bones, bruises, grip marks, burns” (OPNEA, 2008;…show more content…
They all are in different developmental stages and have different roles and responsibilities. Middle-aged woman appears powerful over the child and older father, as she is the provider and decision maker in the household. After a busy day at work, tending to the needs of her child, she feels tense and frustrated when she finds that her father is not taking care of his own needs and chores and leaving cane in the middle of the room. She shows her tension and frustration on her father by slapping him. According to Erikson’s theory of eight stages of life, stage 7 (generativity versus self-absorption and stagnation) focuses on adult’s ability to take care of another person through nurturing and taking care of future

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