Abandoned Elderly Essay

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Abandoned and Neglected Elderlies Filipinos are known for close family ties and respect for the elderly. This strong ties bond Filipino families together through different life challenges. Unfortunately, there are still some Filipinos who abandon and neglect their parents or elderly relatives. Some of these unfortunate elderlies are housed in institutions of DSWD, like Haven for the Elderly and Golden Reception and Action Center for the Elderly and Other Special Cases. On May 3, 2013, Asian Journal’s article cited that abandoned seniors were able to find their life worth living at Haven for the Elderly (formerly called Golden Acres). Three stories of abandoned elderly who found joy and peace at the center was highlighted. In an article…show more content…
In 2010, it was found that 1 out of 10 elderlies had experienced emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse as well as neglect from their significant others. This statistics implies prevalence of such scenarios as alarming (Acierno, Hernandez, Amstadter, Resnick, Steve, Muzzy, & Kilpatrick, 2010). In the Philippines, there is no national statistics that shows the total number of abandoned or neglected elderly but there are such kinds of incidences given that elderly institutions are now populated. In addition, due to this reported incidences of abandonment and neglect for the elderly, Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago filed the Senate Bill no. 1809, which aims to protect and help elders who are victims of elder abuse. In the said bill, abandonment and neglect are considered as one form of abuse. In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, there’s also an increasing number of abandoned and neglected elderly who are usually left at hospitals by their families and/or relatives. These elderlies find refuge on non-government institutions who offer them home and other basic needs, except medical services, since these institutions have no stable source of fund and only rely on donations. Onunkwor, Al-Dubai, George, Arokiasamy, Yadav, Barua and Shuaibu (2016) explored these institutions to study the elders’ quality of life and its determinants. Quality of life domains were physical, psychological, social and environment; these domains were measured through the
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