Family Violence In African Americans

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Violence is the intentional use of physical force, power, or indirect exposure, which means to hear about an event. It acquires either threats or harm on oneself or others, which results in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development, or deprivation. The population focused in this research will be African American Children and Adolescents exposed to community and family violence. Family violence includes spousal abuse, elder abuse, and neglect, parent abuse, child abuse, and neglect, and sibling abuse. Our focus will be on domestic violence as well as child abuse and neglect. Community violence is publicized in the media, and it is a main focus because African American youth are the top witnesses and victims in community violence, What…show more content…
Most African American men who are the perpetrator make $20,000 or less a year when developing an urge to use violence. In addition, alcohol, and drugs can be a co-morbid with family violence. Family structure, stress, and social learning are also causes of family violence. Poverty is an external factor because one’s environment may lead to one making irrational decisions that lead to the violence in the home. Another factor that leads to family violence in the African American family develops from jealousy from either suspecting one’s partner is cheating, one’s partner earns more money than the other, or the belief that one partner is going to abandon the established relationship. The majority of African American men aged 18 to 76 who had been arrested or mandated to counseling programs by the criminal justice department battered one’s wife, girlfriend, or intimate partner. The perpetrators reported witnessing family violence and experienced child abuse as a child. Cycle of abuse occurs when a child has been exposed, has experienced, or has watched abuse as a child, and in result become the victim or perpetrator in the adolescent and adulthood stage. ( McGee, Z.T.…show more content…
Possible side effects are physical, cognitive, psychological, and behavioral. Co-Victimization results in violent behavior, impaired school performance and judgment, vulnerability and high risk for substance abuse, victimization, and emotional disturbance. African American females are more likely to become pregnant during the teenage years and develop maternal distress when parenting and begin to deal with child behavioral problems with one’s child. (Sousa, 2011) Chronic community violence lead to a high risk of psychological problems such as Post-Traumatic Stress because youth exposed to violence develop anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms because of the trauma experienced in his or her life. Chronic violence exposure has been found to develop serious consequences for children’s mental health. African American adolescents are exposed to violence as both victims and witnesses. The symptoms of a youth exposed to violence are anxiety, depression, anger, dissociation, and posttraumatic stress

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