Egg And The Sperm Analysis

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The social constructions of stereotypes are central to our perception of the world around us. As explained by Emily Martin in The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles, culture shapes how even biological scientists describe what they discover about the natural world. Further, she examines the scientific accounts of reproductive technology and explains how gender stereotypes are hidden with scientific language of biology. Through an analysis on the representation of the egg and the sperm, Martin notes a marked contrast between the descriptions of each reproductive organ. The sperm is commonly illustrated as the superior reproductive organ while the egg is seen as the degenerate and…show more content…
Natural science carries a certain value in today’s society and it is often presupposed that what it claims must be true. Therefore if natural science is projecting messages and illustrations that support and enhance social constructions, it is only likely that these ideals will be internalized by society and its individuals. The internalization of socially constructed stereotypes is further reproduced in the ways our bodies behave. Males and females have adapted to occupy their space in different ways. For example, females commonly sit with their legs crossed while males usually sit with their legs spread further apart, therefore occupying more space. It is small subconscious acts such as the ways individual genders carry themselves that portray the internalization of stereotypical notions. Further, gender stereotypes can be influential on the sensory perception. For example, the sense of touch has been historically developed in accordance with gender associations. Females are commonly associated with soft touch while males are commonly associated with a rough or tougher sense of

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