Effects Of Prohibition In The Great Gatsby

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During the 1920’s, the United States put the 18th amendment into effect. This amendment banned the sale, distribution, and production of one thing and one thing only: alcohol. Over the years, the citizens grew weary of the government control and the loss of a good drink for bad times. This led to the formation of speakeasies, or underground bars where alcohol was sold to patrons. The entirety of the time in which alcohol was banned and these activities took place is known widely as Prohibition. Within the novel “The Great Gatsby”, the ban on alcohol and the effects that many Americans felt during this time is shown. Whether it was the large amounts of alcohol consumed at Gatsby’s parties, or the large amount consumed at Tom’s meetings with Myrtle, the presence and usage of alcohol is…show more content…
To start, I will discuss what Prohibition actually is. Prohibition was the period in American History in which the sale, transportation, and manufacture of intoxicating liquids was banned. The ratification of the 18th amendment is what initially placed the United States within this period. Previous to the 20’s, the United States had seen a large religious revival that swept across the nation. Many Americans, primarily women, were taken with the idea that banning alcohol would lead to less violence, less crime, and more productivity among men and women, both at home and at work. This thought process was widely accepted and many got behind the idea of abstaining from alcohol. Many women that were religious also posed the thought that less alcohol would lead to less spiritual corruption. One particular group that was formed to fight against the usage and consumption of alcohol was the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. One of its leaders, Frances Willard, was a major force in bringing about the ratification of the
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