Effective Clinician-Patient Study

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satisfactory record for implementing measures for preventive medicine, but it could use improvements in other areas. For example, chronic care in the United States is somewhat lacking. Chronic care refers to the ability to manage the care of those who face long term pre-existing chronic illnesses. The Commonwealth Fund conducted an experiment in which they tested the effectiveness of chronic care based on seven factors of chronic care management. The factors were patients with diabetes receiving all four recommended services, patients with hypertension who have had cholesterol checked in past year, has chronic condition and did not receive recommended test, treatment, or follow-up care because of cost, primary care practices that routinely provide written instructions to patients with chronic diseases, physicians reporting it is easy to print out a list of patients by diagnosis, physicians reporting it is easy to print out a list of all medications taken by individual patients, including those prescribed by other doctors, pharmacist or doctor did not review and discuss all medications patient uses in the past (Schoen, 2014). The results of this study did not show that the US was last in chronic care for patients with long-term illnesses, but they did not rank the…show more content…
Communication matters because it impacts multiple important outcomes. Effective clinician-patient communication impacts health outcomes both directly and indirectly by improving diagnostic accuracy and increasing adherence. Effective clinician-patient communication also influences both patient and clinician satisfaction and decreases malpractice risk. Additionally, there is evidence that excellent communication can impact the bottom line for health care organizations. Polls show that American patients do not believe they are receiving relevant information from specialists following
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