Dysfunctional Family

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The Bad Can Have Its Good Growing up with an abusive and dysfunctional family can have a major effect on one's life. This can cause physical harm to a person or emotional harm, or both. it has its benefits as well disadvantages. One advantage that deserves to be spoken upon is how kids who grow up with dysfunctional families tend to mature faster and come in contact with many different life experiences than a regular kid. Maturation is the action or process of maturing. Throughout this reading the pre teens mature. They go from always being up under each other to becoming young adults and doing their own thing individually. Their lifestyles play a major role in how they mature and the certain situations they mature in. Gordie, who is the…show more content…
Teddy didn't even fear death; he'd do risky stunts like standing in the middle of the street until a truck rode pass at full speed and would jump at the last moment before he was hit. Teddy's father is responsible for his son's appearance regarding his ears. One day Teddy's father pressed both of Teddy's ears against a stove because he was furious with Teddy for breaking a plate. This left Teddy with a hearing aid. His father suffers from a post traumatic disorder that he developed after returning from World War II. After this incident Mr. Duchamp was sent to a mental institution which left Teddy fatherless for sure. However, Teddy still loves his father and is proud of him for serving in the war. When the fellows ran into Milo and got into an altercation regarding his dog Chopper, Teddy lost his composure. Milo was insulting Teddy's father "Your dad was a loony...Crazier'n a s___house rat".(347) Teddy began to go on a rage, but then calmed down and just ignored Milo's ignorance not letting it bother him even though the things he said had gotten to him. This was a way that Teddy showed his level of maturity; as much as he wanted to go head to toe with the old man he brushed it off and went about his…show more content…
He was abused by his father who was a alcoholic as well as his older brother who has a friend who happens to be a bully. In school his teachers treated him as if he was worthless because of his family's terrible reputation. They were all known as criminals, one of his brothers was a felon and the other had one eyeball,. He didn't feel so great about his future because of this reason. He couldn't picture himself getting into college because of how people think of him and his family. Chris just wanted to prove that his family's reputation didn't have anything to do with him. This shows how he just wants a fresh start, also showing his level of maturity wanting to better himself. Chris was a very thoughtful
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