Dust Bowl Research Paper

557 Words3 Pages
The Dust Bowl Imagine being in the midwest and all that you see is an enormous cloud of thick dust. Ranchers and farmers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were driven by the American agricultural customs of expansion and a sense of security from nature. Even though the Dust Bowl was such a devastating event, it still brought a new hope, breaking point, help from government agencies, and had an overall effects on human life. The Dust Bowl brought a new hope. When the Midwest was a thriving community, people as far as New York came in hope of a better life. That whole theory went downhill fast. In the beginning, the land produced an abundant of crops. But not too long too long down the road, nothing began to grow and the “Black Blizzards” started to pop up. Once the “Black Blizzards” started to appear, agriculturists began not using farming methods to prevent erosion because really deep plowing killed the natural grasses. The sod was soon destroyed and soon the soil turned into a disastrous dust. Once the dust became such a big problem, there was a breaking point. Millions of people fled to California to try and rebuild their lives and crops. These people were called “Okies.” The people who chose to stay in the midwest had to…show more content…
There was over one hundred acres of land that were destroyed and needed to be restored. Government agencies create programs such as the Drought Cattle Purchase Program and helped with the price of new cattle because most of the livestock did not survive the drought and dust. Also, there was an Emergency Relief Approbation Act created by the government to help the victims of the disaster. There was also a reduction in the soil blowing. The government came in to help the overall aspect of the

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