Dust Bowl Research Paper

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Necessity Lead the Masses West Despite the severe damage caused in the Dust Bowl, it is still understood as a time when economical and human suffering hit America while the Great Depression was underway. The main reasons for the Dust Bowl to be recognizable would be the lack of education in farming techniques, the loss of fertile topsoil and the devastating 10 year drought. With all of these reasons combined, farmers and their families started to feel that the end of the world was near. Due to this feeling, one-quarter of the population fled and packed up their belongings onward to California. One of the strongest causes of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was that farmers lacked the most basic skills in dealing with crises such as the drought they were losing their livelihoods to. As we have learned over the years, many techniques have helped in farming and preventing a decrease in the resources of the land. Crop rotation, preventing wind erosion, and unplowed fields are a few examples of things that the farmers did not use. The government had a factor in helping farmers by providing hope with the New Deal. The New Deal included a list of reforms discussing issues and the severe damages of the Great Depression. Even though the Great Depression did not end, the New Deal still supported…show more content…
This led the topsoil to blow away and leave the land in a condition to where a drought could come easily and make crop production almost impossible. Rain eventually stopped after all of these events and gave dust storms, or “black blizzards”, an opportunity to start rolling in and creating problems. In The Worst Hard Time, Egan states that these terrifying dust storms began in 1932 and came to a close end on April 14, 1935, with “Black Sunday.” “Black Sunday” was the day that a dust storm traveled thousands of miles all over the country and removed millions of tons of topsoil along with

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