Domestic Violence Annotated Bibliography

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Domestic Violence Information WHAT IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Domestic violence, also called intimate partner violence, can involve physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and economic abuse by a current or former intimate partner. Stalking is also considered a type of domestic violence. Domestic violence can happen between people who are or were: • Married. • Dating. • Living together. Abusers repeatedly act to maintain control and power over their partner. Physical abuse can include: • Slapping. • Hitting. • Kicking. • Punching. • Choking. • Pulling the victim’s hair. • Damaging the victim’s property. • Threatening or hurting the victim with weapons. • Trapping the victim in his or her home. • Forcing the…show more content…
• Manipulation. • Limiting contact with friends and family. Sexual abuse can include: • Forcing sex. • Forcing sexual touching. • Hurting the victim during sex. • Forcing the victim to have sex with other people. • Giving the victim a sexually transmitted disease (STD) on purpose. Economic abuse can include: • Controlling resources, such as money, food, transportation, a phone, or computer. • Stealing money from the victim or his or her family or friends. • Forbidding the victim to work. • Refusing to work or contribute to the household. Stalking can include: • Making repeated, unwanted phone calls, emails, or text messages. • Leaving cards, letters, flowers or other items the victim does not want. • Watching or following the victim from a distance. • Going to places where the victim does not want the abuser. • Entering the victim’s home or car. • Damaging the victim’s personal property. WHAT ARE SOME WARNING SIGNS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Physical signs • Bruises. • Broken bones. • Burns or cuts. • Physical pain. • Head injury. Emotional and psychological signs • Crying. • Depression. • Hopelessness. • Desperation. • Trouble…show more content…
to 5 p.m. Call 1-855-812-1001. ○ The website is • The National Sexual Assault Hotline. ○ The 24-hour phone hotline is 1-800-656-4673. ○ You can access the online hotline at Shelters for victims of domestic violence If you are a victim of domestic violence, there are resources to help you find a temporary place for you and your children to live (shelter). The specific address of these shelters is often not known to the public. Police Report assaults, threats, and stalking to the police. Counselors and counseling centers People who have been victims of domestic violence can benefit from counseling. Counseling can help you cope with difficult emotions and empower you to plan for your future safety. The topics you discuss with a counselor are private and confidential. Children of domestic violence victims also might need counseling to manage stress and anxiety. The court system You can work with a lawyer or an advocate to get legal protection against an abuser. Protection includes restraining orders and private addresses. Crimes against you, such as assault, can also be prosecuted through the courts. Laws will vary state by

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