Domestic Violence Against Women

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Do you know that “Six out of 10 Indian men admit violence against wives - U.N. study”. Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, forced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Most often the abuser is a member of her own family. Domestic violence is defined as any incident of threatening behavior, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. The Misuse of power and control by men, Belief system in our society, mental distress problems and men who blame their violence on someone or something else. Those are the main causes that led to this problem. Homelessness, Physical…show more content…
There are many causes that leads to this problem and it has many effects on the society. The functional feasibility is the solutions ability to declaim the causes of the problem and to reduce its effects as soon as possible. The social causes for this problem are the belief system in our society that they blame the victim for the violence not the abuser. They put the family before the safety of the women and children. Tolerating the use of violence and prevailing men over women. The most important reason causing this problem is treating the problem of domestic violence as a private matter. Children who witness violence their childhood tend to be aggressive and violence when they are adults. Homelessness is one of the social effects of this problem. Research on homelessness found that 40% of all homeless women stated domestic violence as contributor to their homelessness. Domestic violence isn’t a personal or a private problem that stay at home. It could happen in the workplace, and can jeopardize the safety of employees and negatively impact the productivity and profitability of businesses. Domestic violence has a detrimental impact on employment among employed women who suffered domestic violence in the last year, 21 percent took time off work and two percent lost their jobs. The organization is tackling these social causes and effects by Providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world. Also as a respond to Domestic and sexual Violence at work (Workplaces Respond), FWV is building innovative partnerships between companies, worker associations and unions, and anti-violence advocates and service providers to increase the safety and economic security for the employees. There are also health causes for this problem like Abusers who use
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