Disparities In Healthcare

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In the United States healthcare disparities are becoming a growing problem amongst racial minorities. Racial minorities, such as African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans are less likely to have access to healthcare as opposed to whites. While the dynamics behind these disparities are undoubtedly complex, the result is clear that a patient’s race influences their access to quality healthcare whether it is due to their mistrust/understanding of the healthcare system, a physicians’ personal perception of racial minorities, or a physicians’ participation in federally funded healthcare programs. These factors make the process of gaining access to healthcare much more complicated for minorities. In the United States, the term ‘racial minority’…show more content…
Of this, thirty percent of Hispanics/Latinos and twenty percent of African Americans are uninsured. This unfamiliarity of the healthcare system can lead to mistrust or misunderstanding of the system that not only affects minority adults, but also minority children, which unfortunately creates a complex negative domino effect for later generations. A minorities’ lack of health education and awareness plays a central role in a their perception of the healthcare system. This effective communication about healthcare may be hindered or made problematic by language differences, prejudice, and cultural differences. Communication about healthcare amongst minority communities brings about its own set of complications. The communication barrier amongst minorities whose first language is not English further complicates the relationship between healthcare professionals and their patient (Collins 2014). In a recent survey, physicians treating large numbers of minority patients did report having a greater percentage of patients with whom they have a hard time communicating with because they spoke a different language (Reschovsky and O’Malley 2008). Clearly this poses a problem for both parties as the patient may not be able to communicate about symptoms and illnesses and the physician might not be able to successfully implement an appropriate health care solution plan for the…show more content…
In order to reduce the significant healthcare disparities, physicians need to meticulously examine their current practices and pin point their actions that is continuing the differential treatment of racial minorities. Office staff that is familiar with the different cultures of minorities would be the first step towards healthcare disparity elimination. If physicians would hold themselves and their staff accountable for being culturally competent there would be greater odds of building trust between the patient and physician, which in return would lead to more open communication and overall positive feelings towards healthcare for the patient. This would then lead to better delivery and employment of appropriate healthcare solutions, in regards to both the patient’s beliefs and values. As far as communication difficulties in regards of language barriers, physicians should provide racial minorities with healthcare information in their native language. They should also steer them in the direction needed to access resources that would build upon the information given to them (i.e. internet cites, libraries, etc). As far as physicians not participating in Medicaid, the government should increase the fee levels to entice more physician participation in the program, which would understandably provide greater access to healthcare for
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