The Aztecs had a very organized and methodical way of life. Compared to the the Incan Empire, or the Europeans, the Aztecs maintained very good hygiene and cleaned themselves daily. Unlike the Europeans, the Aztecs took baths every day, brushed their teeth, and wore deodorant. In European societies, women were treated as inferior to men, and were not allowed as many rights as men, such as owning land or becoming a leader in society, whether it be religious or political. However, in the Aztec Empire
changed the Native American Culture and communities. Native American communities did not have one culture or one language, it was astonishing different from each others and vastly different from the European culture. The communities range from the Aztecs in modern Day
probably why the internet generates numerous references to the aphrodisiac power of chocolate or 'women’s preference for chocolate over sex'.
These influences will possibly be an individual’s role in society, humanity’s relationship with nature, or women’s involvement in public life. • Recognizable characteristics of Christ include: crucifixion, agony, self-sacrificing, good with children, 33 years of age, carpenter, walking on water, arms outstretched, confrontation with