Comparing The Sisters In The Color Purple And Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Love is as a person having deep affection and feeling for another. In Alice Walker “The Color Purple” and “Everyday Use” shows how two set of sisters have different meaning of the word love. “The Color Purple” is a fictional novel of two sisters who love one another no matter who or what got in the why. In the novel, both Celie and Nettie learns to master the written word and change its form and function so that they, as black women, are no longer victims of the racial and sexual oppression a white, ethnocentric use of writing can dictate (Babb, Valerie). Celie and Nettie were true to one another even when Nettie was living in West Africa. “Everyday Use” is a short story about two sisters who despise one another. They are jealous and envy one another throughout their childhood in to adulthood. In the stories Walker displaces how mistreated African-American women were by men and women even their own sister. The sisters in “Everyday Use” has a nonexistent relationship, while the sisters in “The Color Purple” have a loving relationship this is due to confidence, self-esteem, life value and love for one another that…show more content…
In “Everyday Use” Maggie is a nervous person, because of that it makes her a very kind hearted person. However Dee is a mean and heartless person, because she feels that she is better than her family. In “The Color Purple” Celie is a shy person, because of that it makes her afraid to trust people especially men. The Celie we have seen so far completely lacks power. She is essentially an object of others who is very passive in her interactions, especially those with men. Celie shows she is aware that others see her as a powerless object when she tells Sofia she is jealous of her assertive, self-defensive personality. Nettie on the other hand is a caring person, because of that she feels that every person should treat everybody the same

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