Disney Princess Stereotypes

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Disney’s princesses have always been popular, especially among children. Whether it be the classic Snow White or the more modern Elsa and Anna of Arendelle, children everywhere flock to the television screen when their favorite characters are on display. In recent years, it has been noted how Disney’s lead female characters are changing, and many are left to wonder about the effects these characters will have on its young audience. Disney has been criticised for years for the body image and gender role of their princess stereotype. Princesses like Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora tend to worry parents the most (Welsh). These princesses are the standard damsels in distress, the ones who wait for men to save them and give them a fulfilling life, rather than making one for themselves. These princesses are also notable for not actually solving their problems for themselves. They’ve always had a prince, or in the case of Cinderella, a fairy godmother, to get them out of a bad situation, and typically true loves kiss was the answer (Hale). As society changed, Disney’s princesses changed too. Belle and Jasmine were slightly less reliant on their knights in shining armor, and even spent more than two minutes with them…show more content…
Anna falls in love with a man she hardly knows, sings a duet, and accepts a marriage proposal, all within the first thirty minutes of the movie. Her over-enthusiastic nature about finding true love contrasts with everyone else, especially her sister, Elsa, who is busy and stressing to come up with ways to solve problems with the coronation (Frozen). The characters in the film know how ridiculous Anna is truly being about rushing into marriage, and viewers find Disney mocking its old animation habits (Leon). Anna and Elsa are also a prime example of how far Disney princesses have come as far as relying on men. Anna protects Elsa from Hans by herself, without needing the help of a man to do it for her

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