Disadvantages Of Online Education

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Online education allows students to participate in high quality learning situations when issues of distance and scheduling make on-ground learning unrealistic. Online schools are superior to traditional classroom campuses in reference to convenience, program choice, and a more satisfying classroom experience. But the critical factor is students need to be computer literate enough to navigate the Internet, read and send email, and create and attach documents. Both students and facilitators must possess a minimum level of computer knowledge in order to function successfully in an online environment. For example, in addition to the above, they must be able to use a variety of search engines effectively and be familiar with newsgroups in order…show more content…
Online classes eliminate the hassle of commuting short or long distances, looking for parking, and walking across campus to a classroom. The courses can be taken in the comfort of home, office, or anywhere in the world. All is needed is a computer with an Internet connection, and, in some cases, easily obtainable software such as Outlook Express for classroom discussions and communications. The overall communication format enable the need for a scheduled time to be in class, which makes it very convenient for learners who are busy with work or with other tasks such as caring for…show more content…
Time efficiency is strength offered by the online learning format (OLAD, 2005), where unlike classroom, there is time and space for everyone to respond to the question to be discussed or to the problem to be solved. This structure allows students time to articulate responses with much more depth and forethought than in a traditional face-to-face discussion where the participant must analyze the comment of another spontaneously and formulate a response or lose the chance to contribute to the discussion. Also, because of the asynchronous format of the class, it takes an independent and self-directed learner to be successful. Student time saving Online education can provide time efficient for the student reducing time spent on learning. There are several reasons why this is the case. One fact is that e-learning often is designed to let the learners decide what they need to learn and how much time they have to spend absorbing the relevant learning material. In traditional classroom courses the learners have to be present throughout the entire course even if they already have parts of the knowledge being presented in the course. E-learning can be more efficient for the learner, letting him choose where to put his time and effort going thru the course material. Many students will also be able to spend less time on travelling,
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