Importance Of Traditional Education

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Traditional Education Is Better Education the process of acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of the people reasoning and judgment which preparing them for mature life and. The world has been developing especial with the technology such as: the computers, the Internet, and advanced electronic devices are becoming essential in our daily life. That led to the education, development also, and has been more than reading, writing, and manipulates numbers. There are many types of education, but the popularity is the traditional education and with the world develops the online education has become a popular also. Online education is a type of distance educated without attending classroom in school or university. Instead, online students…show more content…
The online education is useful, but still the traditional education is superior and valid today. Online education is convenient and flexible. Students can take classes from anywhere they have a computer and an Internet connection. They can take classes from anyplace they feel comfort special at home which that helps them to spend extra time with their families and enhances family relationships and not commuting their time in the campus. It's doesn’t need to students attend live meetings in real time; much of their studying will be done asynchronously or on your own schedule. As we said before, the world has been developed and the peoples' days have been more busy even some of the students, they don’t have time to go to classroom in school or university to get their educate. Although I think with the online education there is no reason for them to not educate the online education will help these people. On…show more content…
The online education has less expensive net tuition prices than traditional education. The students will not have additional expenses such as: commuting costs, parking and other specific fees, materials such as textbooks because those are often available for free online. The online education allows students to fit with the developed world and fitting to their learning style. It is helpful for these addicted to technology instead of spend waste time in unhelpful thing they can spend it in educate in style they like. It has given students more time to think about answering questions and do their research on the Internet, rather than in a traditional library. The students will be from different countries around the world, there is will be no discrimination between students such as: race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age. At the same time the online education students need to learn new or enhanced computer and troubleshooting skills. Students will need the extra cost for high-speed Internet which leads to technical problems. Traditional education will not need to learn new or enhanced computer and troubleshooting skills or high-speed Internet as much as online education. Almost traditional education will give students more skills than online education, special the general critical thinking skills which that’s skills most of students earning it from the traditional

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