Differences Between Capitalism And Communism

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WWII procured devastating effects on a scorched Europe. This devastation united opposing nations under a mutual purpose: to end WWII and defeat Nazi Germany once and for all. The combined forces of France, the UK, America, the Soviet Union, and many smaller nations overwhelmed Nazi Germany, and in 1945, the war ended. However, the most devastating effect of WWII remained: its aftermath. After the war, America and Russia emerged as the two great superpowers of the world left with one final answer: what now? When WWII had ended, so too had their mutual purpose, and the two superpowers now recognised each other’s ideological differences from America’s Capitalism and Russia’s Communism. These differences are responsible for the many tensions between…show more content…
The Cold War was inevitable since the collision between the two great ideologies, Capitalism and Communism, at the end of WWII. Nearing the end of WWII, primarily the US was fighting Nazi Germany from the western front, while the Russians were attacking the Germans from the eastern front. As the Americans pushed further into the heart of Germany, Berlin, they spread their ideology, Capitalism, into the lands that they liberated from the Germans. The Russians followed a similar course. As they too pushed further into Berlin, the Russians spread Communism into the countries that they too had liberated from the Germans. In the Yalta Conference in February of 1945, the Grand Alliance met to discuss the fate of the world after the already predicted defeat of the Germans had come to pass. During the conference, the Grand Alliance agreed to allow free democracies in the countries liberated by the US in Western Europe, allowing Capitalism…show more content…
Although there were major disagreements at the Yalta conference, the US was being led by Roosevelt at that time. One of Roosevelt’s main priorities was always to maintain a strong and beneficial relationship between the US and the USSR. Because of this, relations between America and Russia seemed strong and beneficial, and conflict between the two superpowers did not seem imminent until Roosevelt died, and Harry S. Truman took Roosevelt’s place as President of the United States. Unlike Roosevelt, Truman was extremely opposed to Communism, and thus he was opposed to the Soviet Union. Truman’s anti-communist behavior would lead him to make several aggressive moves towards Russia that would, doubtless to say, cause the Cold War. To begin with, upon achieving presidency, Truman gained access to all of America’s secreted intel, including America’s successful testing of the atomic bomb. Upon making this discovery, Truman, being anti-communist, realized that he did not want Soviet aid in the war against Japan. As a consequence, it became Truman’s main objective at the Potsdam conference to learn from Stalin when was the Soviet Union planning to attack Japan, distancing America from Russia. During the Potsdam conference, Truman mentioned to Stalin that America possessed the power of the atomic bomb that could level entire cities (The Potsdam Conference, 1945). By doing

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