Ancient Greek Legacy Analysis

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A legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another. Ancient Greece had many legacies including literature, democracy and architecture. These legacies allow for an educated depiction of how society functioned in that time period and the lifestyle people were accustomed to. The Greek culture influenced aspects of advanced society and through this has had a powerful effect on modern society. The ancient Greeks formulated a strong legacy in literature. This is evident in the statement in Source A that says the Greeks “created and perfected literature in all its forms”. The invention of the Greek alphabet allowed for the evolution of a literate society. This alphabet legacy is apparent when noting that the first two Greek letters ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ make the word alphabet. Although the western alphabet isn’t identical to the Greek’s, the basic sounds of the letters have remained the same. Through Greek…show more content…
This presence of democracy is displayed in Source A as it states that the Ancient Greeks were “ruled by Law…which respected justice”. Ancient Greece in 507BC instituted a democratic system with three branches. However, the members of this were only open to male citizens over the age of 18. This meant that both women and slaves had no voting rights. This led to Aristocrats controlling the democracy and contradictory to what the Source A suggests, an ideal justice was not achieved since the poorer society did not share the same political power as the wealthy. Nonetheless, the notion of democracy was a powerful concept that the modern world has employed. For example, in Ancient Greece, eligible Citizens were selected randomly every day to sit in at the courts; the modern world then adapted this as jury. Thus, the concept of Ancient Greek democracy has had a powerful effect on modern society as it has inspired great progression in

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