Analysis: Lack Of Proper Communication

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Mary Elkommos Laura White English 2020 01/29/2017 Lack of Proper Communication The Proposition reveals what happens from a lack of proper communication. Stanley wanted to civilize the land to make it a happy place for him and his wife to live in. People should speak up in what they believe in even if it hurts. Lack of proper communication could lead up to mental and physical problems. Stanley’s lack of communication, and his love for his wife; although, Captain Stanley is an antagonist, he did everything with his best of intentions. First, he should have told his wife about the proposition. If he told his wife, she wouldn’t have gone after him and asked him to punish Mikey, and Mikey wouldn’t have died. They wouldn’t have gotten to the point…show more content…
He refuses to tell his wife about everything that happened with him because he wanted to protect her and make her live in peace. He thinks that she is a pure woman and did not want to involve her with all the criminals’ things that he is doing. Because of the peoples’ thoughts that Stanley is becoming injustice, which made people ignores his wife Martha and made her suspicious about what her husband is doing. His lack of communication with his wife caused her to face these terrible things at the end. Such as having a horrible mood throughout the film. She couldn’t handle seeing her husband getting beaten to death and Samuel to harass and frighten her and that caused her to fate. The mayor made Martha to find out about the burns that caused the violence that Stanley and his wife met at the end of the…show more content…
Martha said, “you might make me carry the burn too.” His wife (Martha) noticed his emotions changing over time by not coming home in three days in a row. Stanley wrote, “for my darling wife, which I love you so much, I’m sorry;” he had a strong love for his wife to the point that he felt guilty for what he made her face. That tells us he figured out that the way he was protecting her was not in the right way. Stanly’s love was strong for his wife; however, it made her go crazy by having nightmares and becoming afraid to go outside of the house. Third, although Stanley is an antagonist, he did everything with the best of intention; he thinks what he did is right. He had good intentions for his wife and did not expect these horrible things might occur due to his bad decisions that he made himself. Captain Stanley and his wife had the feeling that something horrible is going to happen. On Christmas eve; Martha said, “for what we are about to receive may the Lord make us very grateful, Amen.” They had that feeling because of what happened to
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