Descartes Argument For The Existence Of God

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Descartes abuses skepticism and doubt in an attempt to prove his philosophy. He doubts everything around him and finds he is the only thing he can be truly certain of. Descartes can doubt that everything around him is false because he believes that senses lie to us. However, Descartes knows that he exists because he is doubting the things around him. He is thinking and therefore he must exist. Therefore, the only thing Descartes can be truly certain of is himself. However, this extreme doubt is completely unconvincing. Many of Descartes’ arguments are weak and fallible. His arguments is not strong enough to prove the self is the only certainty. Descartes argues because sometimes senses lie to the mind and therefore can never be trusted. You cannot trust something that could be wrong at any point. A person would be called a fool if they were to keep trusting a friend they knew could be lying at anytime. However, this argument requires the mind to know what the correct…show more content…
However, Descartes wants to go a few steps further to get even further away from solipsism. Descartes says that is there is a God then there must be something outside of his personal reality. There has to be an objective reality. This still does not definitively prove that there are other people in this objective reality. Descartes argues that since God is a perfect being, that must mean he is an omnibenevolent being. Thus, God would not lie to beings such as Descartes. Therefore, the other minds that Descartes’ self sees in his personal reality must be true and existing in the objective reality. Since Descartes’ self sees other humans existing, they must truly exist. According to Descartes, this fully brings him out of solipsism as God proves that there are other beings outside of Descartes, meaning that the self is no longer the only certainty that Descartes
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