Pros And Cons Of Rene Descartes

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In his proofs, Descartes uses the concept of formal and objective reality whose representative quality can be rated in degrees of reality. Objective reality is the reality of something in virtue of representing something else. This is applied only to ideas whose degree of objective reality is the same as the degree of formal reality the object of the idea would have if it existed. Formal reality is the reality something has in virtue of existing. Modes, finite and infinite substances all have formal reality, but not to the same degree. Modes, which is the properties or characteristics of a substance have the lowest degree of reality; it involves tactile qualities such as colors, sounds, odors, tastes of an object. Finite substances have more reality than modes,…show more content…
Thus infinite substance has the highest possible degree of reality. Both formal and objective reality are essential to Descartes' causal argument to establish that God exists. In Meditation III, Descartes begins the argument by examining that among the ideas that he thinks, some appear to be innate and others invented. For instance, with regards to tactile qualities, as per Descartes, the idea of heat appears to have been taught by nature and the feeling of heat is not dependent on his will or not will to feel heat as it often presents itself to his mind against his will. Thus, he believes that this sensation or idea is produced in him by an external object such as fireplace. This means that the idea of heat did not proceed from object different from Descartes. However, he argues that

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