The Role Of Women In Shakespeare's As You Like It

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Georgia Livadiotou - U134N0390 Essay No: 2 Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” was written in 1598 or in 1599 and it was firstly performed as a play in 1609. The play is based on three other works; Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge, Old arcadia by Sidney and on Pastoral tradition. As you like it is considered a pastoral comedy. Throughout the play, the idea of women expressing themselves and not being contained within the patriarchal structures is central to plot and theme. Rosalind is the daughter of the exiled Duke Senior who was banished and decided to go to the Forest of Arden. Rosalind, who is disguised as Ganymede, and her cousin Celia escape to the forest. The reason Rosalind goes to the Forest of Arden is to find freedom, but what also gives her freedom is the fact that she is disguised as Ganymede. The patriarchal society of that period was not giving women any kind of freedom and the place of women was also limited by…show more content…
“Rosalind in As You Like It—had to put on male clothes and boyish behaviour in order to enjoy male privileges of freedom and self-determination. Rosalind certainly understands how the game is played.” (Kirkland 2003) Works Cited Green, Douglas E. "The "Unexpressive She" : Is there really a Rosalind?" Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (1998): 46. Kirkland, Joseph Papp and Elizabeth. "The Status of Women in Shakespeare's Time." EXPLORING Shakespeare (2003). Lynch, Stephen J. As You Like it: A Guide to the Play. New York: Greenwood guides to Shakespeare, 2003. Neely, Carol Thomas. Distracted Subjects: Madness and Gender in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture. New York: Cornell University Press#,

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