Strategic And Operational Planning Analysis

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Chapter 7: Strategic and Operational Planning Discuss in your own words what strategic planning is and who should be part of it. Strategic planning involves an in-depth analysis to carry out a certain task to the best of our abilities. This usually involves an organization mission, purpose and goals that are play against the external opportunities. Along the way this allows us to development our future successes in life. Understand the planning hierarchy. Discuss how each level impacts/influences the level above and/or below each level. The planning hierarchy is composed of seven steps the top is the most general and bottom is the most specific. This planning hierarchy includes mission, philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures…show more content…
Discuss resistance in change and how to overcome it. When an individual or an organization goes through a change this can disrupt their routine and their balance. Therefore, resistance is a expected response to change. Resistance can be overcome if the change is first identifying by a leader and the leader shares this with his followers. After the change has been identified a leader can share future plans with this followers and ask for ongoing assessment of how the change is affecting them. What is change theory, and what is the most important key point to remember? The (CAS) change theory states that the future is not predictable and the relationship between change agent and change elements is nonlinear. Therefore, linear thinking is impossible due to the constant change in agent and elements. The most important key point to remember is that the actions that we take affect the entire group. Chapter 9: Time Management What are the three basic steps of time management and give examples of each step. 1. Allow time for planning and establishing priorities: this usually involves organizing thought and determines how the plans will be executed and the time it will take to complete this task. An example will be to write down all the things that must be completed for the week and rate each task based on its…show more content…
1. One of the main mistakes made in planning is not allowing time for planning. 2. The second mistake made in planning is underestimating the importance of a daily plan. When thinking of prioritization what are the three main categories? Can an item from one category change to another category? If so, how and why? Don’t do: are better accomplished by other individuals. Do later: they usually don’t have an immediate deadline, which can lead to procrastination. According to our textbook, “ procrastinate means to put off something until a future time, to postpone, or to delay needlessly” (Huston and Marquis 2015.) Do Now: are usually based on the day-to-day activities that are necessary. I do believe that priorities can switch based on the level of importance or if it has a deadline. Priorities are constantly changing this is known as reprioritizing and should be flexible to meet our needs. Discuss what effective time management is and give an example. Effective time management is greatly individualized and based on self-reflection, trusting relationships, honesty and accepting ones own energy level throughout the day along with our productivity and what keeps us going. An example would be I usually need a 30-minute nap after our 13-hour critical care clinical before starting my readings. If I don’t take my nap and decide to start my task I can’t concentrate and I know that I’m wasting valuable

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