Animal Therapy Case Study

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Topic and Concept: I. Animal therapy a non-pharmacological intervention for older individuals with dementia, or cognitive impairment. a. To alleviate effects of depression in older individuals who are in a nursing home or care facility. 1. Subjects, must have been institutionalized two or more months. 2. Affected by dementia / cognitive decline. 3. Must be 65 years or older. 4. Average age in the study was 84.7 b. Dementia and or cognitive decline is growing in older populations (Lee, S., 2012). 1. Primary care facilities have few options for depression concerning dementia. 2. Using non-pharmacological interventions are cost effective 3. Benefit to patient is better quality of life. c. Patients are tested…show more content…
Quality of life is increased and participants are willing to continue after the study ended. 1. Amount of participants who wanted to remain in the study, 80% c. Pet therapy is cost effective 1. Animals and their owners require no pay. 2. Pet therapy is a volunteer service. d. Study includes family and staff as well as subjects and animals. 1. Family and staff remain involved with patient. 2. Animals used visit 90 minutes one day a week. 3. Some elders may connect with memories of their own pets. Validity: III. Other non-pharmacological interventions used for depression in older adults. a. Diet may help with mood and cognitive decline (Andrade, C., 2009). 1. Studies suggest diets rich in fish may help with cognitive decline. 2. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to cognition. b. Music therapy may be therapeutic for older individuals with dementia and or cognitive decline (Sole, C., 2014). 1. Helps with quality of life 2. Through remembering tunes and words. 3. Reminiscence may begin when music is heard. Student Appraisal: IV. Non-pharmacological therapies, animals, diets, and interactions are perfect for gerontology. a. Help to create a better living situation for cognitively impaired…show more content…
Student sees animal used for therapy as a co-therapist. V. Importance of learning how to use animal and non-pharmacological therapies. a. May be a tool for going into any gerontology practice. 1. Non-pharmacological therapies help with cognitive function. 2. Animal therapy may help with interacting with family of client. 3. Non-pharmacological therapies help with client’s self-determination. Conclusion: VI. Student is confident the use of Non-pharmacological therapies can be used in gerontology career. a. With animal and or music therapy everyone responds 1. Easier to get families together. 2. May offer a self-satisfaction for client, family members, and the gerontologist. b. As a gerontologist these types of therapies can be expressed and used in any setting. 1. May be used in a nursing home. 2. May be used in clients home. 3. Makes work a bit more fun. Summary: VII. This type of therapy seems to be an answer to cognitively declined elder individuals who are becoming or are depressed. a. Learning to interact with multicultural elder persons. 1. Easier because animals (and music) affect everyone in some positive way. 2. Student may get involved in finding animal visitors. 3. Enjoyed learning about another avenue in

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