Analyzing Erikson's Eight Stage Of Development

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Erikson’s theory late adulthood is the last (8th) stage of development. In this stage Integrity versus despair in which one reflects on their experience and despair. This paper would focus on depression and life satisfaction in relation to integrity versus despair. The final stage of life may be described by loss of a love one, loss of independence, physical and mental deterioration. These factors can have a negative effect on life satisfaction which may result in depression. The person view back over their lives by looking back at life experiences, evaluating them, interpreting them and planning for death (Santrock, 2011). When late adulthood individual stay active, energetic and productive they age more successful and live happier than if…show more content…
In many instances interacting with each other lessens. The outcome of such a situation the children and parent are not aware of the changes. Additionally, many elderly individuals may feel that they are a burden to their children simply because they feel useless. In most cases role reversal comes into play where the child is the one taking care of the parent. Therefore, the parent may feel frustrated, sadden and resentful towards their lives and children. Similarly, feeling neglect can also be a cause of depression in late adulthood because in truth they may not be physically or financially able to care for them. However, in late adulthood reflecting back on their lives and memories many may feel that they didn’t achieve or accomplish much in their lives because of spouses and…show more content…
Counselors own biases need to be examined when assisting older adults as they have to realize older adult are reluctant to ask for help. Often, they rely on the informal support systems. When counseling the elderly can be a challenging task because of their own unresolved issues about aging and dying. Therapy can be beneficial for older adults who are having difficulties with transitional throughout the life span. Therapy can help them face their fears as family members and friends decrease. Many older adults grew up in an era that shunned on mental illness. But in today’s society, therapy is considered a form of treatment as they realized that their time is limited. The types of assistant and support that older adults are given can be compartmentalized as informal and formal. Informal resources are those that provided by families, friends, churches, and so forth. A considerable amount of elderly receive support from this type of support system. Formal resources are usually eligible requirements that an individual has to qualify for. Many of them are free but others are paid services. Informal and formal services are available but it can be a daunting takes for them opt assess the needs of the elderly. It can also be challenging to find affordable and quality services. (Hutchinson. 2012), Advocacy, on the behalf of older adults is a concern of the counselor and the social work

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