Cold War Civil Defense System

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Emergency management in the US has its roots in the “Cold War” civil defense system. Currently, the four phases of emergency management are recognized as: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This paper explores each phase for the local, state, and federal level given a major hurricane is headed directly for Miami. Mitigation efforts attempt to reduce the risk to human life or property from a hazard or disaster. At the local level, these efforts will begin by addressing potential hazards. One of the most common hazards for Miami is a major hurricane. Miami has strengthened its building codes to prepare structures to withstand hurricane force winds and storm surges. Other mitigation efforts are to repeatedly inform the…show more content…
As previously discussed, Miami is at great threat of a major hurricane. Accordingly, local cities and counties have developed a hurricane plan which would include evacuation and shelter components. These plans should be trained upon with exercises to ensure people are prepared for their roles in the hurricane. Additional preparation would be to inform the public about maintaining necessary supplies of water, food, medical provisions, and batteries. Public warnings should be prepared to be issued in the event that the hurricane approaches. At the state level, Florida incorporates these principles and administers a statewide all-hazards preparedness program which includes training and exercise programs. At the federal level, President Obama executed Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) which mandates a National Preparedness System that provides guidelines for resource allocation to share personnel, equipment apportionment to improve countrywide interoperability, and planning provisions for training and exercising…show more content…
Once the threat is determined to be imminent, Mayor Regalado would declare a state of emergency, pursuant to local Ordinance 8B, and activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). At the state level, once the emergency is determined to be beyond the capabilities of the local response efforts, the Governor would issue a state of emergency pursuant to Florida Statute 252 and activate the state EOC. At the federal level, response efforts are governed by the National Response Framework (NRF). It is not, however, an operational plan; rather, it articulates principles to coordinate a multijurisdictional response to disasters. The NRF was promulgated by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 along with the National Incident Management System

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