Dental Implants Case Study

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Traditionally the missing teeth and supporting oral tissues had been replaced with removable dentures or fixed bridges to restore mastication and phonetics as well as aesthetics (Esposito et al. 2007). Long term trials proved that dental implants is widely accepted treatment modality to replace missing natural teeth in cases of partial and complete edentulism that occurred due to periodontal disease, endodontic failure, traumatic injury or for any other reason (Madhav 2012). permitting restoration of mastication, speech, and esthetics. Esposito et al. (2011)stated that dental implants offer several advantages in treating missing dentitions over conventional prosthetic as they conserve tooth structure. Several other studies reported high…show more content…
(2009) found that horizontal bone loss was greater than vertical bone loss during the post-extraction healing period when assessed both clinically and radiographically. With continuous changes in dental implant design, concepts and techniques; placing implants immediately in the fresh extraction socket is an increasingly popular treatment option. The main advantages of immediate implant placement is reducing the waiting time and the number of surgeries necessary, more over it allows for immediate provisional restorations, and this service is considered very important for the patient in aesthetic cases. Schulte et al. (1978)were the first describing immediate implant placement concept in an extraction socket. Immediate implant placement after tooth extraction has become a more wide surgical protocol in clinical practice nowadays as an alternative procedure to the classical delayed implant placement suggested by Branemark (Ortega-Martínez et al, 2012). Dental implants can be placed either in sockets just after tooth extraction (immediate implants) or after two weeks up to two months (immediate-delayed implants) or thereafter (delayed implants). (Esposito & Felice 2011) Initial dental implants classification was based on the timing of its

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