Effects Of The Columbian Exchange

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Before Christopher Columbus did his journey to discover The American in 1492, the Natives Americans were living there for many years before Columbus arrived. Native American lived thought all of North America and spoke similar languages and had the same beliefs, the power of spirits of nature. The Natives American was colonized, yet not as modern as the Europeans. Europeans has cities, more govern structures with kings and queens. Unlike the Western Hemisphere, Europeans has more deaths because of the diseases like smallpox. Since European countries traded with each other and also traded with countries in Asia, none have explored the Western Hemisphere till Columbus did in 1492, which is the Columbian Exchange started. The Columbian Exchange…show more content…
However, the most significant impact of the Columbian Exchange was the diseases that were brought over the Old World to the Native Americans, which lead to high deaths through North America and Central American, “...realize that the Columbian Exchange can also be credited for the transmission of diseases which had adverse effects on both the Old and New World alike” (Malone et al.). Another affirmative aspect of the Columbian Exchange was the technology the Europeans brought with them in 1492, which included firearms, the alphabet, farming equipment, and…show more content…
In Europe, the people slowly started to incorporated foods from the New World’s, like tomato, corn, and potatoes into their diets, yet it was not as popular being something new from a different world many people opposed the new food coming in from the West. Although, corn was a enormous success in some parts of Europe because of corn’s simple nature of being able to grow quickly and was another alternative to wheat, which was not able to grow in many places in Europe. Another food that grew to fame was potatoes because being able to withstand cold weather and able to farm in little soil. In the West, the Indians gained a popular plant, the sugarcane, which it is popular today in many Central and South American
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