Babysitter Speech

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On Thursday March 8, 2 parents go to a parking lot to pick up toys for their baby after making a purchase on ebay. Then, on Friday night a babysitter was booked for their 3 month old. The parents got ready, gave instructions to the sitter, left phone numbers, and then left the house. The babysitter, Ann sits on the couch watching a scary movie, and the baby is asleep in her arms. The t.v is loud, “Creeeekk” a door opens in the movie and it's dark. In the movie a girl is seen walking up the stair, she gets knocked in the head. Ann jumps a little, the baby jolts, and starts to fuss. Ann gets up to rock the baby and make him a bottle, she pauses the movie. The water rapidly boils in the heater, and she places the bottle in to warm it. It has…show more content…
“Attention people of laketown a mysterious killer has been on the loose please take caution” says the t.v. Adam the father of the baby was the head officer is in charge of the case the alert announced. Apparently it had been going on for months and so they had decided to release this information to inform people. They would get murdered in their homes and their children would get left behind. Some would go missing and show up in the lakes around town. The only clue left behind are little note written in blood by the killer. Ann got nervous. She finishes feeding the baby and burps him, turns off the movie, and checks the windows and doors to make sure they are locked. Ann walks upstairs to the nursery. As she walks upstairs “Creeeek” and pays no mind to it. She turns on a dim lamp and a shadow lurks in the background. She sets him in his crib and looks at the wall to see a…show more content…
Then, she walks up to the door and goes to ring the bell, however it's already open. She still rings and screams “hello, anyone home.” No answer. She pushes the door open and gazes inside. She walks in and hears the backyard door slam shut. She yells again, but no answer. She walks upstair and a trail of blood follows. She grabs her phone and tells siri to call 911. The operators voice was familiar. The operator asked her questions and gives instructions, however she hears a faint cry. She continues up the stair and a faint cry comes from the nursery. She goes into the nursery and the sight is horrifying. Blood drips and lingers on the walls. The baby’s cry is now a scream, the parents are laid on the floor and against the wall. The mom dead however the dad makes out a few words, “run and take Blake, it was the killer on the case” She goes to the crib to pick up the baby and on the wall it says, “baby makes 1.” The words are written in blood. She quickly picks him up and heads out the door. She gets in the cars and locks it. She lays the baby down in the passenger seat and glances at the rear view mirror. The man covers her mouth and she falls
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