Deep Breathing Experiment

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It was observed that the longest amount of time one could hold their breath was after hyperventilating, followed by sitting quietly, and finally exercising allowed for the shortest amount of time to hold a person’s breath. The person’s average and class average matched for the most to least amount of time holding their breath. DISCUSSION The results of the experiment showed that the less carbon dioxide in the body, the longer a person could hold his or her breath. The oxygen and the carbon dioxide levels in the blood are the keys behind this experiment. Given the known that oxygen in the body is good for the body, it should be obvious that long, deep breaths (hyperventilating) would allow a person to hold his or her breath longer. Exercising took away from a person’s ability to hold his or her breath because there was less oxygen in the body after exercising. The ventilation in our lungs maintain high O2 and low CO2 concentrations (Campbell and others 2006). A person’s body is trying to release the CO2 when he or she has not taken in oxygen for a period of time. This is the urge a person feels to breathe after holding his or her breath. The hypothesis was supported by the table and graph because hyperventilating put more oxygen in the body and that allowed the person to hold his or her breath…show more content…
A potential error that could’ve flawed the data was if the person doing the experiment didn’t hyperventilate the correct way. Or if when he or she didn’t jog hard enough to get the heart rate up, which increases the rate of breathing, then the data would be flawed. It is also a challenge for the person to breathe naturally while monitoring their own breathing. As soon as a person becomes aware of his or her own breathing it is not a subconscious action. The person must try to keep it as natural as possible. This is what happens when the person is sitting quietly for one

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