Why Do Students Get Paid Students For Good Grades Essay

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“A neighbor of mine says she pays her child for any A’s the child gets on her report.” In my opinion paying students for good grades is not a good idea. This issue is important because if kids were encouraged by money, eventually the donor of the money would run out of money. Then what would happen? Would kids refuse to go to school? Not to mention the donor would be taking a valuable gift from the child, this will also lead to practical problems in the classroom, and think what were to happen if the money stopped coming in? Paying students for good grades is not a good idea because the donor would be taking a special gift from children, it can lead to practical problems, and what if the reward were no longer offered? One reason paying students for good grades is a bad idea is because the giver would be taking a gift from children. Your probably thinking “what do you mean?” Kids are naturally gifted to want to learn without money as motivation. The source would Edward Deci (researcher). The quarter from him would be “External motivators may be effective and well intended but are wrong kids by nature are motivated to learn.” This leads to kids wanting money more than they want the education, making kids think school is just a large…show more content…
Think about this if the money didn’t come in, would kids stop coming to school? The source would be greatschools.org. The quote from the source “What were to happen if the reward was no longer offered?” This could lead to kids boycotting from going to school until they get there money back, but then what would happen to the school? The school would become bankrupt because no more students go there. The effect of this is students may go broke and so will the teachers, and not just that one school, many other schools as well. Undoubtedly, students should not be paid for good grades because what if the money stopped coming

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