Cultural Influences Of Ancient Egyptian Architecture

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Architecture was one of the greatest cultural achievements of ancient Egypt. The pyramids and sphinx were an immense engineering feet for that time. Building materials that were used in ancient Egypt consisted of sun-baked mud brick and stone. The stone was mainly limestone but also sandstone and granite were used. Stone was usually reserved for temples and tombs. Ancient Egyptian homes were made of mud from the Nile River which would be placed in molds and left in the sun to bake and harden. The Egyptians carved hieroglyphics and pictures on their buildings and inside of the tombs. Depicted in tomb and temple drawings are models of people and animals and scenes of everyday living. These structures became a means of artistic expression and creativity for the builders and workers. The architecture of Ancient Egypt is a direct reflection of their religion. Egyptian theology was a complicated religion. It’s most important belief regarding survival after death depended on preserving the body. This belief influenced the architectural design of the tomb where the corpse was sealed.…show more content…
The complex consists of ancient monuments and is located 12 miles southwest of Cairo city center. The monuments that can be found here are the Pyramid of Khufu (also known as the Pyramid of Cheops), the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure along with “queens” pyramids and the Great Sphinx. The pyramids were built to serve as grave sites as well as making their names last forever. The Great Pyramid of Giza completed around 2580 BC is the largest and oldest of the pyramids. This is also the only surviving monument of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Chefren had the giant Sphinx built to guard over his tomb as

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