Critical Perspectives On Private Practice

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As the moments of fear, joy, pain, laughter, and triumph grip us; we learn more about ourselves. The moments we share with the doctors of The Private Practice, help us understand the fragile nature of the calling they have undertaken. Private Practice helps us work through ideologies connected to sexual violence against women. Today, rape victims are often afraid to report themselves to the authorities for fear of what people will think of them, knowing they were raped. According to the Rape Crisis Center, “1 out of 6 American women has been the victim of attempted or completed rape”. Although the statistics are staggering, only “39% of rape crimes” actually get reported to the police. Rape and sexual violence have been surrounded by negative stigmas for so long, that most times women do not report their rapes for fear of the negative consequences. Critical Perspective…show more content…
Charlotte King is brutally attacked and raped in her office at Sr. Ambrose Hospital, where she is Chief of Surgery. Due to the criminal nature of the attack, the police are at the hospital with Charlotte when Addison arrives, asking Charlotte questions about the attack to which she answers vaguely and with little certainty. Once alone, Addison assumes she needs to perform a Rape Kit, to which Charlotte quickly responds “no rape kit. I wasn’t raped, I was robbed.” Addison secretly does the Rape Kit, but does not turn it in to the authorities. During the following episodes, we are shown glimpses into the legal process that occurs after a patient reports a rape. Once Charlotte comes forward, the police compile a list of suspects, and eventually Charlotte is able to identify her assailant in a line up. However, as I mentioned before, the police are unable to arrest her attacker due to lack of sufficient

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