Carl Rogers Interaction Theory

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Rogers (1977) believed that with a proper psychological climate this internal inclination of the individual (personal power) can be released. Rogers believed that this growth-promoting climate has three basic characteristics: authenticity or congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathic understanding. If the aforementioned conditions were present in a relationship between facilitator and oppressed, student and teacher, counselor and client, the following would result: From a political standpoint, by accepting his/her inner feelings, the client reduces the power others have had over him/her to inculcate guilt, fear and inhibitions upon him/her. Little by little his acceptance and control over himself increases. The more he/she accepts…show more content…
Attention was called to its naïve conception of human nature and society as a whole, to the methodology of research as being too qualitative and the main concepts of its theory being too general and embracing, to the lack of dialogue and information giving taking place in the interview, to its definition of self-concept in relation only to conscious experience, to the little value the nondirective theorists had afforded to unconscious behavior and its impact in personality development, and finally, attention was called to the nondirective nature of the therapeutic relationship and the possibility of introducing the concept of fallibility as a better means of understanding the deeper nature of person-centeredness (Barrett-Lennard, 1994; Brink, 1987; Ewen, 1998; Hall et al., 1998; Kahn, 1999; O’Hara, 1985; Quinn, 1993; Rychlak, 1981; Solomon, 1987; Swenson,…show more content…
For Freire, however, the oppressed must create a psychosocial climate of dialogue with the help of the facilitator in the midst of his own oppressive existential socioeconomic situation, and with the aid of a new critical method of

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