Criminal Profiling

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Since the late 1880’s criminal profiling has played a significant role in developing an understanding of criminals and developing certain techniques and patterns to determine the identity of the criminal. Criminal profiling is an educated attempt on who committed the crime using the evidence given. There are five main profiling methods with in criminal profiling. Criminal investigation analysis, investigative psychology, geographic profiling, diagnostic evaluations and behavioural evidence analysis. These methods allow authorities to determine the characteristics of the offender from his behaviour from the evidence in the crime scene. Within criminal profiling there are two main logic systems employed; inductive logic and deductive logic. Inductive…show more content…
The entertainment media has tended to glamorize the role of criminal profilers, for example through films and television shows. Similarities on criminal profiling can be seen within the media and reality. Criminal profiling is also a useful tool in identifying likely offenders. There is also consequences of inaccurate profiling. Criminal profiling is a significant technique used to understand patterns to determine the identity of the criminal. The profiling methods within criminal profiling make it a reliable mean to detect offenders after and before the crime is committed. The five main criminal profiling methods used are criminal investigation analysis, investigative psychology, geographic profiling, diagnostic evaluations and behavioural evidence analysis. Investigative psychology is a framework of understanding the psychological areas of criminal and civil investigation. Geographic profiling is the criminal analysis of the investigation crime scenes to determine were…show more content…
The philosophy of inductive and deductive logic has exploited criminals within criminal profiling to investigate crimes such as, murder, assault, sexual harassment and robbery. An American scientist named Brent Turvey states that inductive logic is based on certain characteristic and traits from observations and theories whereas deductive logic is observing a set of characteristics that are coherent from physical and behavioural actions or patterns within an event such as a crime. One of the world’s most notorious detectives Sherlock Holmes within Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famous novels, utilized the theory on inductive and deductive logic to not only solve crimes but to also build criminal profiles based on evidence. The first recognised use of the theory of inductive and deductive reasoning in criminal justice was during the same time period of the Sherlock Holmes stories(Doyle.1882) Criminal profiling inductive and deductive logic has dated back to the 1800’s, being used to catch and prevent

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