Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs 'Speech To Stanford Freshman'

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Steve Jobs’ commencement speech to Stanford Freshman in 2005 is a very powerful speech. In his speech, he addressed three life values that he takes heart to: connecting the dots, love and loss, and death. His main argument throughout the speech is to pursue what you want in life through all obstacles, because life is too short to stand around and watch it pass. Jobs aims to encourage college students to not follow a goal if it doesn’t make you happy. Near the end of his speech, he delivers a great message. “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most…show more content…
Steve explains that when he first went to Reed College, he didn’t know what he wanted out of life, which led to Mr. Jobs dropping out only 6 months into his college career (Paragraphs 3 and 5). But, Steve, through his hardships and tough nights in that short life going to college, found a skill that came back to him while he was designing the Macintosh. What he learned about Calligraphy and Typography helped him implement the technology into his computer (paragraphs 7 and 8). This is important to the value about life because it helps us understand why we should pay attention to our surroundings and the little things as well as the big things in our life. After all, you never know what will come back to you in the future. Many people believe that great ideas come from memories, and when we are older and wiser, we can fall back on our past to help inspire us through our endeavors. Only through connecting the dots can we really find our great ideas and concepts that we use to innovate and inspire. About his message on love and…show more content…
He then made his new company's, NeXT and Pixar, successful, and Apple eventually bought NeXT. Through all his hardships, Steve pushed through and became even more wise and powerful as a result of it (paragraphs 11-14). The story of love and loss is a great example of pursuing what you love. Some may feel Jobs was just lucky, but the reality is he didn’t give up after all signs pointed to his dream career being over. We should all follow this example on our quest to achieve what we love because Steve’s story is about never giving up, even when life “hits you in the head with a brick (-Steve

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